Difference Between GitLab and GitHub

difference between gitlab and github

Users can use branches to manage different versions of their projects, as well as use commit messages to document changes that have been made. This allows users to easily keep track of the progress of their project and any changes that have been made. Additionally, users can use pull requests to submit and review changes to their projects, making it easier to collaborate on projects. Both platforms offer a wide range of collaboration, code review, and project management tools. A cloud Git repository used to be the main selling point of GitLab. Today, GitLab offers many DevOps features, like continuous integration, security, and even app deployment tools.

The first is a free plan bundled with unlimited public and private repositories. It also offers 2,000 CI/CD minutes monthly community support, and 500MB worth of storage. A whopping 87.2% of surveyed developers rely on Git for version control, collaboration, and smoother deployment. You can also use this feature to export your projects if you need to move them elsewhere.

What Is Gitlab?

You can create a free account on GitLab.com and start using their essential elements for free. GitLab is a continuous integration and delivery platform that provides the collaboration tools you need to build the best software. GitLab helps teams work together more efficiently in parallel on shared code and code reviews.

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GitHub is another code hosting platform and is a direct competitor to GitLab. Project Management – You may organize and prioritize your tasks using this. Helps you keep track of all coding-related activities, including updates, progress on a list of issues, https://traderoom.info/xtrade-forex-broker-overview/ pull requests, etc. GitHub and GitLab are both Git repositories that enable developers to collaborate on, test, and improve their projects. In fact, while they do have some overlaps, they differ on several key points, including their very philosophies.

What is Gitlab?

Git is referred to as a program that helps in tracking the changes made to a particular file. Once we have installed Git, a project is initialized to create a git repository. These two software GitHub and GitLab, as the name suggests, are both web-based git repositories. Now next, we should also know about 2 types of version control models.

difference between gitlab and github

Basically, we thrive to generate Interest by publishing content on behalf of our resources. While considering the differences between GitHub and GitLab, you should also think about the advantages and disadvantages of each of the Git repositories. While the underlying Git technology and features are virtually identical, the recommended workflow isn’t the same. Next, let’s look at some more specific similarities beyond the surface level of the name and homepage. Okay, so now we know that despite offering—at first glance—very similar services, the companies are 100% unrelated. GitLab used to host its services on Microsoft Azure, but moved to Google Cloud Platform after Microsoft acquired GitHub.


Over 500 project management apps and integrations are also available on the GitHub marketplace. While the screenshot above highlights GitHub, GitLab offers equally powerful code collaboration and review tools. For example, you can view and discuss pull (or merge) requests in real-time, make changes, and get a complete visual overview of the code differences. Meanwhile, GitLab’s built-in issue tracker has similar features, but visually it’s much simpler than its counterpart. Git has remained an open-source tool since it was first released in 2005. To this day, it is maintained by the Linux Foundation as part of the open-source ecosystem of tools and technologies (the Linux founder also created Git).

Hire certified and professional developers from Positiwise to avail the best-in-class software development services, assuring innovative and beyond imagination robust business solutions. Quickly escalate the level of your core operations and enhance the productivity, revenue, and reputation in the immensely growing global online marketplace. This makes it easy for you to use GitLab as your source control solution without worrying about integrating with other tools. For example, if you need to push code from one project into another project, you can easily do this from your GitLab repository. GitHub and GitLab are both open-source repositories, meaning anyone can download the source code and build their product version. However, the two products have different goals and pricing models, so let’s take a closer look at how they integrate.

Is GitHub or GitLab better?

It also works better than its predecessors, such as Apache Subversion, Concurrent Versions System (CVS), Perforce, and Rational ClearCase. So, there’s a reason why so many VCS services have “Git” in their names. When Microsoft acquired GitHub in 2018, many expected a mass exodus of its users. While some users did flee GitHub for GitLab and Atlassian BitBucket at the time, Microsoft taking over was never truly a huge factor for most. While both support open-source, the repositories themselves use a mixed programming model. In this model, the GitLab Community Edition remains free and open-source, while the GitLab Enterprise Edition has more features and comes with support.

How similar is GitLab to GitHub?

With GitLab, you can do more within the platform without relying on third-party integrations, while GitHub is significantly more affordable while offering plenty of support. Either way, you can't go wrong depending on what your business needs.

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